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Penn State Brandywine Sports Medicine


Athletic Commons Room 120
25 Yearsley Mill Road
Media, Pa. 19063
Training Room

Athletic Trainer: Vincent Sangiuliano
Athletic Commons Room 120
Physical Therapist: Kevin Deley
Athletic Commons Room 120
On-campus hours: Every Tuesday/Friday during fall and spring semesters from 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Team Doctor: Dr. Brian Vernau
Campus Nurse: Faith Cella
Athletic Commons Office 119
Additional Resources
Riddle Hospital
(484) 227-9400
1068 W Baltimore Pike, Media, PA 19063
Campus Security: 610-892-1496

Insurance information letter

Insurance claim filing instructions

Forms for athletic participation - email Athletic Trainer Vincent Sangiuliano -

NCAA Resources

Banned Substances

NCAA Health & Safety

Mission Statement

The Penn State Brandywine Sports Medicine Department strives to provide every student-athlete with the most comprehensive, high-quality individual sports medicine health care available in a professional, efficient, compassionate and service-oriented manner. The Sports Medicine Department will provide the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries, while also striving to educate student-athletes on prevention techniques. The Sports Medicine Department will use the best evidence available as well as NCAA best practices to provide the highest quality of healthcare given the resources and technology available at Penn State Brandywine.

NovaCare Partnership

NovaCare Rehabilitation offers on campus physical therapy to any Penn State Brandywine student. Patrick Smith, P.T, D.P.T, SCS, will be providing physical therapy services in the athletic training room in the Commons/Athletic Building. Penn State Brandywine’s sports medicine staff will work closely with local NovaCare clinics to provide physical therapy services during academic holidays and summer recess.

Athletic Training Room Hours

The athletic training room is located on the first floor of the Commons/Athletic Building near the fitness center. This facility is open during all three athletic seasons for injury evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation. Hours of operation vary during the three seasons. For practice coverage, the athletic training room will open at least one hour before the start of practice. For event coverage, the athletic training room will open at least two hours prior to the start of scheduled games/matches.

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